Fall Foliage Report | October 19, 2017

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Despite never having reached "peak," it seems that we're already past it. After a lot of rain and wind last week, there are a lot of leaves on the ground. Most of the trees that have held their leaves are still green, so there is more color to come--just not a lot of it.

Approximately 60% of the areas leaves will have changed by this weekend.

The Enchanted Mountains are a mix of gold, green, brown, orange and rust.

View this week's I Love NY Foliage Report here!


Photo taken at Little Rock City.

About Kate

Cattaraugus County-native Kate comes to Enchanted Mountains Tourism by way of somewhere between 3 and 10 careers in everything from food service to CSA farming to sportsman education. Kate has a penchant for all things dairy, summer bonfires, the banjo, and her Shepherds, Rush & Ida.

Photos tagged as #EnchantedMountains or #EMFun. @emountains