Why Join a CSA? Wait...What is a CSA?

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Do you want your family to eat local, healthy foods but do not have the time to plant a garden?  Consider joining a CSA.  But wait.... WHAT IS A CSA?  Community Supported Agriculture, like Canticle Farm.  Here's a video of Mark Printz, Farm Manager at Canticle Farm, explaining what a CSA is and why you should join one as a presentation at the 2018 Cattaraugus County Farmer Neighbor Dinner.

What is a CSA Video

Simplify your life and subscribe to a spring share at Canticle Farm; your backyard garden without the work.  Become a shareholder and receive over thirty varieties of Certified Naturally Grown vegetables throughout the growing seasons of spring, summer, and fall. The spring share begins May 8th, 2018. 

A Canticle Farm fresh, weekly supply of homegrown produce offers the benefits of:

  1. learning about vegetables and their preparation;
  2. getting your produce straight from the Farm;
  3. knowing who grows your food and how its harvested;
  4. receiving a weekly newsletter with quick and easy recipes.

To receive garden fresh vegetables every week, choose the size of the share, small or large, that is right for you or your family.  Canticle Farm is a not-for-profit community supported farm founded and sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY.

Registrations for a share may be found on our website, www.canticlefarm.org, or at Canticle Farm Market in Allegany. For more information contact Canticle Farm at 716-373- 0200 ext 3358 or email office [at] canticlefarm [dot] org.

About Jacquie

"Live in the Sunshine. Swim the Sea. Drink the Wild Air."  - Emerson

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