
What's Your Summer Vacation look like?

Beat the Heat and have a Summer Vacation Made in the Shade in the Enchanted Mountains!   

Fireworks in Cattaraugus County

There are many locations to see fireworks in Cattaraugus County!  Here they are in one place!  NO need to search!

July 02, 2015 Fireworks

Fireworks at the Ellicottville Championship Rodeo.

Best of the Best in the Enchanted Mountains

Finding a great place to call your home away from home while on vacation is very important.  You want to be within travel distance to great events, attractions and parks, as well as being comfortable and relaxed.  Everyone wants a vacation but also not spend a fortune.  One place in the Enchanted Mountains has earned very prestigious awards from TripAdvisor again this year- the <

Summer Fun Now Open!

Park Yourself Right Here for Summer Fun! 

Step Into Spring!

Step into Spring in the Enchanted Mountains!

There's no time to Hibernate!

There has been a lot of talk about giving up on winter and dreaming of greener pastures during this part of the cold season.  Temperatures are bitter, you're sick of putting on 5 layers of clothing just to stay warm and the lack of sunshine make this one of the most dreary times of the year, for some!  If you are not a cold weather enthusiast, here are 30 suggestions to get you throug

Love Is In The Air of the Enchanted Mountains!

This Valentine's Day celebrate the things you love!  TheRead more

The Newest Way to Experience Camping at Allegany State Park!

The new UPSCALE cottages are available for rent starting RIGHT NOW!  Allegany State Park has recently added "full-service" cottages which include all you could need to enjoy the Park, but not necessarily be "roughing" it.  The high-end cabins include bathrooms with shower facilities, a kitchen, a dining room, bedrooms and heat!   Perfect for your getaway, no matter what the

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015!

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015! Ring in the New Year with some fun that won't ruin those Resolutions in the Enchanted Mountains of Western New York.  Where Do You Want To Play?

Last minute Shopping? Try Local!

Are you struggling to find a gift for someone for the upcoming holidays?  With so much pressure to be at the mall at this time, with that coupon, to get these deals why stress yourself out?  Shopping local is great for the economy and not to mention great for your pockets!  Here are some places to check out Holiday season gifts or anytime of year gifts!

Photos tagged as #EnchantedMountains or #EMFun. @emountains